It was well past dark when I returned to my wagons. Tromping up the steps, I kicked the rail a few times. One boot and then the other, to knock off the mud. Throwing the leather flap aside, I walked into the welcome privacy of my wagon. I looked about and almost immediately saw her. She was sprawled across a brace of furs, looking right up at me. There was no question that she'd heard me outside, but she hadn't risen to greet me. Nor did she speak to me as I moved across the floor. I must confess a certain annoyance at her behavior, but I wouldn't play into her game.
I sat down on a throne of my personal construction. Plush cushions and pilows, piled high, and mingled with luxury, exotic furs. Most of it came from raids on merchant caravans traveling across the plains. Some of it was aquired in trades, though. Some would probably find it terribly amusing to learn of it. Truth to tell, I'm rather proud, and fond, of my throne.
At any rate, I removed my boots and set them aside for her to clean in the morning, before I left for my duties. Of course, I didn't explain to her that she was supposed to clean them. Settling back, head craddled in my hands and my legs extended, I wiggled my bare toes. And spoke to her.
"What has you so quiet, wench?"
"Perhaps I'm just tired, Master."
It was a mix of sarcasm and truth. From the onset of her enslavement she has been put to work. Like the rest of the slaves, she labors from the rising of the central fire, to its setting. Such is the life of a Tuchuk slave.
The banter passed between us for several ehn was relatively pointless. Casual conversation, one might call it.
"How did it feel to kneel at the feet of an Ubar tonight?"
I sprang the question out of the blue. And was rewarded with exactly the reaction I desired. Her eyes grew wide and she was quiet for a time. When she did find her voice, her words came out in a stammer. I was pleased to hear her next question, though. She asked what I thought of her serve to the man, Ayguili. Not if he was pleased with her, but if I was pleased with her. It was a certain point of discovery that I savored, watching the Kajira inside her take shape.
Typical to the man she knows I didn't give her the answer she sought.
"If you served him from your heart, with feeling and emotion, then you served him well."
She thought of my words for several ehn. I have owned my share of slaves over time. Some were fresh to the collar while others had long ago embraced their slavery and found the freedom that comes in giving selflessly not just to a single man, but to a greater whole. I have found that you can't just beat a woman into submission and acceptance. That alone doesn't make a Kajira. My beliefs were reaffirmed with her next words.
"I think I could have done better, Master."
There was no need for me to critique her performance in serving Ayguili. She had done so herself. She had found herself lacking. Not because she had erred in the basic execution of the order, but because she had thought nothing of the act in bringing another man a drink. It had not mattered to her if he had found her pleasing. It would have simply been an unfortunate occurrance if he'd been irritated with her and struck her.
With her at my side now I took hold of her collar, using it to force her chin up. Force her to meet my eyes with her own.
"You will serve every man as if you were serving me."
I think I felt her tremble at my words, but I'm not sure if it was a result of fear, rage or even something... else. By her collar I pulled her towards me, bending low on my throne until my face was beside her own, my lips at her ear. I could feel her cheek against my own. The flesh a stark contrast to that of mine. Smooth, soft. I'm sure she was just as aware of the feel my scarred face. The cords of scars that line my cheeks. Their rough, raised texture.
"You will serve every man, but none will satisfy you as I do."
I'm sure she understood the deeper meaning of my words. They had less to do with anything sexual, than they did with everything emotional. But the fierce sleen in her reared its head and I would swear I could almost feel the fire of her tongue.
"As no other woman will satisfy you... Master."
Such a haughty beast! That night I didn't see fit to use. Instead, I merely slept with her in my arms.
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